Looking for a label that reads ‘Suitable For Vegans’ or a ‘Certified Vegan’ logo is a simple way to tell if a product is vegetarian. Checking the ‘Allergen Information’ is another easy way to tell.
If the product contains dairy, eggs, or shellfish, the allergy ingredients list will mention so. Look for the Green Dot to see whether it’s vegetarian.
Vegetarian Society Approved trademarks are recognizable identifiers that provide consumers with assurance.
Always look for the certified trademark logo on each product including the vegetarian meat in Malaysia.
All ingredients are independently checked by the Vegetarian Society, so whenever you see the trademarks shown on products, you can be confident that they are 100 percent vegetarian or vegan.
Here is a list of what to look for when buying vegetarian food products.
Scanning the product’s label and package is a good place to start. As veganism has grown in popularity in recent years, more and more items are being branded as such.
Look for “Suitable for Vegans” or the “Certified Vegan” logo on each product. Vegetarian food manufacturers in Malaysia always have the certification logo on their products.
A product’s allergy information can be found at the bottom of the ingredient list. If the product contains milk, eggs, or shellfish it will plainly say, “Contains milk, eggs, shellfish”.
This isn’t as effective for meat-based products, but it should immediately inform you whether or not it’s worth reading the entire ingredients list.
It’s crucial to examine the food label for any animal ingredients. Because garlic and onions are not suited for vegetarians, reading the product description will also disclose if the food contains them.
The following are a list of animal components that can be used in food that you might not be aware of:
There are a lot of animal-derived by-products, which might be confusing at first.
But don’t be put off by the lengthy list. You’ll be surprised at how fast you figure out which ingredients to avoid.
Don’t worry, you’ll figure it out eventually.
Food additives, on the other hand, can be problematic. In some parts of the world like Europe, all food additives must be listed on the ingredients list and assigned an E number, which can make reading labels more complex.
Many of these E numbers are fine for vegetarians, however, there is a handful that should be avoided since they are not cruelty-free.
The following are some examples of common ones to keep a watch out for:
If you have any concerns about a specific vegetarian product, you should always contact the food product manufacturer directly – this may seem like a hassle, but if it’s a product you’ll be buying regularly, it’s worth it to clarify your concerns once and for all.
Everbest, an established manufacturer and distributor of soya-based food products, offers an extensive list of vegetarian-friendly products such as bean curd skin, ring rolls, vegetarian fish balls, vegetarian chicken meat, yuba, precooked vegetarian products and many more.
Visit our website for more details.
No. of packet/carton: 15
No. of packet/carton: 7
Unit m3/carton: 0.0135
Unit m3/carton: 0.0224
Unit m3/carton: 0.0214
Unit m3/carton: 0.0224
Weight/packet: 350g
No. of packet/carton: 12
Unit m3/carton: 0.0166
Unit m3/carton: 0.0364
Unit m3/carton: 0.098